Gospel Centered

Substitutionary Atonement as Our Hope and Power

The means by which we achieve our goal is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Abortion is sin. Injustice is sin. Because abortion and injustice are sin and the only answer for sin is repentance and saving faith in the finished work of Christ, the Gospel must be the ultimate answer. The Gospel, and the Gospel alone, can truly and permanently bring about justice. It brings redemption from destruction; it is the wellspring of love, hope, joy, and the final answer to abortion. Abolitionism teaches that Jesus Christ, as our representative and substitute, shed His blood on the cross as the perfect, all-sufficient sacrifice for our sins. His atoning death and victorious resurrection constitute the only ground for salvation. (1 Peter 2:24, 1 John 2:2, Matthew 26:28)

The Gospel of our Lord Jesus saves us from our sins. However, the Gospel also requires discipleship. Christ told his disciples to “Teach… them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:20) Teaching all to observe all of His commandments by necessity teaches Christians to struggle against injustice. That is precisely the goal of abolitionism and although we can never forget or diminish the importance and centrality of the atonement, we must also not artificially limit the Gospel to an individualistic message of personal salvation.

Though laws do serve an essential function in declaring God’s Law and establishing justice for victims, we must strike at the root of the problem, and that is the hearts’ of the people. This is a Gospel issue because it is a sin issue. And though we strive to pass laws so that murder may have a just punishment and so that those with murder in their hearts may fear, the discipleship of the nations by the power of the Gospel of the Kingdom is what will finally put to death the sin of widespread and culturally acceptable abortion and injustice.